Magazine Questionnaire
1.How old are you?
16-19 20-22 23-25
2.Male or Female?
3. How often would you purchase a music magazine?(Please Tick One)
Weekly Fortnightly Monthly if another please state
4. List you top 3 favourite Indie artist/band and why?
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- ……………………………………………………………………………
- …………………………………………………………………………….
5. What do like to see in a new indie music magazine?(Tick Up To 5)
New Music Interviews Cover story’s Gig information
Information on new bands Reviews up coming CD’s
Upcoming albums Interesting Headlines Pictures of artists/bands
6. What indie music magazine’s have you heard of and have you read one?
7./ What would you be the most you would be willing to pay for a new indie music magazine?
£1.00 £2.00-£3.00 £3.00-£4.00 £4.00 +
8./ Would you like to see a free gift in a music magazine?(tick one)
Yes No
9./ Do you prefer to see a band or an artist on the front cover? Explain why.
Band Artist
10./ Would your prefer an Indie magazine to have colour, or prefer it to be plain? Explain why.
Colour Plain
11./ Do you listen to Cds or download music?
Cds Downloads
12./ Do you watch Indie music channels? If yes, which ones?
Yes No
13./ If answered no to the above, do you watch any type music channels? If yes which ones?
Yes No
14./ Do you look on music websites? If yes which ones, and why ?
Yes No
I Printed out 20 copies of my questionnaire and handed them to people around my target audience. i was then able to gather up my results, and analyse what target audience i would definitely focus on, I can then see what my audience would prefer the cover to look like and what would be in my magazine for the audience to read in an indie music magazine.